Our Commitment to Environmental, Social and Corporate Responsibilities 

We are pleased to share our Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report. This report, along with the supporting policies, document the efforts deployed by our global offices to navigate and leverage the unique environmental, social, and governance challenges and opportunities of their respective regions.
With the consolidation of our global footprint, we are more committed than ever to understanding and honoring our role as an employer, supplier, and customer in contributing positively to our communities. We invite you to explore these documents to see how Averna is integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into its core business strategy.
Top Images - ESG Page + Report
Report a Concern

Averna is committed to fostering a culture of reliability and accountability in the workplace as well as with others. If you see something, whether you are an employee or a business partner, you have the right and the responsibility to say something. Please use this resource to learn more about our whistleblowing and grievance policy, and to find the appropriate contact point.

Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report

Statement on Human Rights
Modern Slavery Act Report