Webinar: How to Avoid 5 Common Mistakes in Manufacturing Test

March 17, 2022: Join our experts as they give you the inside scoop on maximizing efficiency at the lowest cost in all aspects of manufacturing test.
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Advanced Automotive Tech Forum Virtual Event 2022

March 8-10, 2022: A test system needs to produce enough energy capable of spinning at extremely high RPMs yet efficient enough to maintain it. Join Averna in this session and see how to overcome this high-power challenge along with HV testing, vibration test, cooling, and others.
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Webinar: Test Data Management: No Coding Required

November 17, 2021: Join our experts as they discuss and demonstrate a variety of smart software to accelerate product design and manufacturing, no coding required
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Productronica 2021, Munich, Germany

November 16-19, 2021: Join Averna at Productronica 2021 to learn more about our extensive test expertise in electronics design, manufacturing, production and more!
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Automotive Testing Expo 2021, Novi, Michigan

October 26-28, 2021: Stop by Averna’s booth at Automotive Testing Expo in Novi to see our latest test solutions for the ever changing automotive industry.
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Charged Virtual Conference 2021

October 21, 2021: Join Averna's experts as they address high-speed and high-power challenges in EV motor production testing. Tune in as our experts demonstrate how to manage your EV Production line and achieve the best results for EV power components.
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(RE)Connect Events 2021

September and October, 2021: Join us in-person in Europe for (RE)Connect! Our experts will discuss various high complexity system integration examples and review challenges from the largest manufacturers in every industry.
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Webinar: How Vision-Guided Precision Assembly is Transforming Manufacturing

September 15, 2021: Our experts weigh in with their feedback on the biggest test and assembly challenges, as well as the most effective solutions using vision in the loop. See the benefits vision-guided assembly can bring to the table.
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NI Connect 2020

July 27-28: NI Week is now NI Connect. Join NI as they take you on their latest virtual journey, helping to create quality solutions for all your automated tests, Explore all the latest trends in test and data analytics.
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Webinar: Tips and Tricks for Remote Test Integration

Recorded May 20, 2021: As companies shift towards the new normal, it is critical to maintain product quality at the level your customers have become accustomed to. Join our experts as they share some of the best practices for reliable remote test integration.
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Webinar: How to Design an Efficient Test Platform in 3 Easy Steps.

Recorded March 11, 2021: Join us for a deep dive into the best practices to design a flexible test platform using hands-on examples throughout the design process for optimal results.
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Webinar: Top 3 Challenges Facing Electric Vehicle Test Solutions

Recorded November 24, 2020: Join Averna's test & quality experts as they cover the top 3 challenges that may be encountered, along with the right solutions for better EV testing. See how your business will benefit by applying our solutions to your manufacturing processes.
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Electronica 2020

November 9-12: Come visit us virtually at Electronica 2020 and let us help you solve all your PCBA Challenges with our Scalable solutions
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Webinar: Why Investing in Automation Will Solve your Smart Factory Challenges

Recorded September 22, 2020: In this joint webinar with NI, we expand on the challenges and improvements found in today's smart factories and the effect they have on overall business operations.
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Webinar: 4 Ways to Improve Quality and Accelerate Manufacturing

Recorded September 10, 2020: Hear directly from our test experts on the 4 most efficient ways to improve product quality while meeting tight deadlines and compliance regulations in the medical industry.
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Webinar: Why Medical Manufacturers are Switching to Automated Vision Inspection

Recorded May 14, 2020: Stop by Many medical manufacturers are leaving manual inspection behind and are moving towards automated vision inspection. Find out why.
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MDG Boston Forums, Boston USA

Multiple Dates: Meet Averna’s test experts at the MDG Annual Forum and learn more about our extensive expertise in medical device testing and automation!
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National Instruments Auto Test Forum, Paris France

December 4: Join Averna at the National Instruments Auto Test Forum in Motor City, Detroit Michigan, to learn more about our extensive expertise in infotainment testing and more!
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NIDays Europe, Munich Germany

November 20 – 21: Join Averna at the National Instruments Auto Test Forum to learn more about our extensive expertise in infotainment testing and more!
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Productronica, Munich Germany

November 12-15: Join Averna at Productronica 2019 to learn more about our extensive test expertise in electronics design, manufacturing, production and more!
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