Modular architecture, allowing a combination of one CPU module and up to six selected input modules into one meter.

High channel count and high-speed sampling to measure supra-harmonics.

The CPU module is equipped with FPGA receiving all digital input data, and the real-time controller running meter firmware and providing all interfaces and data storage.

Multifeeder and Phasor Measurement Unit monitor also available.

Real-time data refreshed every 200 ms with historical data stored for 12 months.

The firmware calculates power quality parameters according to EN50160. It fully follows requirements as described in IEC 61000-4-30, Ed. 3 Class A and others (61000-4-7, 61000-4-15).

Modular Architecture for Multiple Combinations

PQA-FLEX is based on a modular architecture, allowing a combination of one CPU module and up to six selected input modules for one meter. The input modules provide input signal isolation, filtering and A/D conversion, sending the data using digital backplane bus. The CPU module is equipped with an FPGA receiving all digital input data, and a real-time controller running in-house meter firmware.

Main Measurement Features

  •  U, I, P, Q, S, frequency, THD U, THD I, power factor, energies – AP, AQ, AS, APin, APout, all quantities are per phase and total
  • Harmonics – U and I, each harmonic up to 50th (optionally up 180th), optionally supraharmonics 2-9kHz spectra
  • All quantitates are calculated on 200 ms (10/12 period basis) according to IEC 61000-4-30
  • Voltage quality according to EN50160, IEC 61000-4-30 ed. 3 Class A (U, freq., THD U, flicker, unbalance, harmonics)
  • Voltage events according EN50160, IEC 61000-4-30 ed. 3 Class A (dip, swell, interruption – time, extrema, length)
  • Waveform capture – in case of trigger, the device captures the waveform
    • Trigger can be activated by selected quantities (U, I, P, Q, S, freq., PF) crosses specified limits
    • Waveform means raw voltage/current signal with sampling rate at 192 or 256 samples/period, waveform length is 50 periods (0,2 s pre-trigger, 1 s length)
    • Waveforms are stored in files in standard protocol and the device is able to hold at least 100 of them in local storage

Smart Software Solution

Our engineers have designed a dedicated sofware solution for automatic reading of real-time and historical data from all meters simultaneously. These can be displayed in multiple visualization panels including tables, graphs, single line diagrams, voltage/frequency profles, vectors, harmonics, digital indicators, maps, historical trends and tables, energy summarization and profles etc.

Data is provided in two ways, either in real-time using standard protocol (MODBUS) and refreshed every 200 ms and/or historical; the device calculates (gapless) true RMS/average of all quantities in user predefned intervals. The historical data also includes voltage events details according to EN50160.

Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

A PMU – Phasor Measurement Unit - is a device that delivers accurate synchrophasor measurements using a GPS. The PMU frmware measures voltage and current phasors with a Total Vector Error of less than 0.5 %. Additionally, it measures the frequency and calculates the positive symmetrical components of voltages and currents.

The PMU applies measuring transformers error correction. The measured data is sent according to the IEEE C37.118-2005 communication protocol. The measurement results are used for online detection of electrical grid status. It is based on comparing the phase angle of the fundamental harmonics measured at different points of the distribution or transmission network using several devices at synchronized points in time.

Multifeeder Monitoring (MFM)

Meter input modules can be combined to measure one 3-phase voltage and multiple 3-phase current systems. The intention is typically to monitor the distribution transformer powering multiple output feeders.

Functionality of the multifeeder monitor is similar to the PQ meter, with the possibility to measure up to 10 3-phase feeders in total. A multi-feeder monitor also provides detailed information about power and energy consumption of each feeder.

Mixed / Customized Functionality

The PQA-FLEX is a flexible hardware and sofware platform. It allows a mix of diferent input modules, count and type, built to meet the end-user's needs. The frmware functionality can be prepared as a mix of PMU / MFM devices and additional user requirements can be applied into the frmware.

Key Features & Benefits

  • High channel count
  • Measurement, optimization and cost savings in power grids
  • Class A power quality analyzer
  • Modular solution to meet exact requirements
  • Power quality acc. to IEC 61000-4-30 Ed.3
  • Off-the-shelf established design for reliable results
  • Simple setup and thorough reporting