The client → A leading EV Battery Innovator.
What was built → By leveraging the industry standard platform Batterie Inspektor™, a flexible and scalable battery cell test solution was delivered to satisfy all customer requirements.
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The Challenge
In the dynamically developing battery market, it quickly became clear that the customer required a flexible cell tester to adapt to the requirements of different battery types. This included round cells, pouch cells and prismatic cells. Additionally, it had to meet the demands of different climates, temperatures, voltages and currents. Lastly, the system needed to be IoT ready and allow for company-wide networking.

Cells Tested Simultaneously
Battery Variations Tested
Individually Controlled Bi-Directional DC Power Sources
Cohesive Test Team

The Delivery Process
Our Batterie Inspektor™ platform provides the flexibility and efficiency that the customer required. A cell tester was delivered that easily met all of the customer's specs. With the test chamber in the climate cabinet, different ambient conditions can be simulated. The system design is also equipped with different fixtures to accommodate a variety of products. In this scenario, the tester can adapt to round cells, pouch cells and prismatic cells.
The cell tester meets all IoT requirements for automated and digitized battery production as well as quality assurance. It provides an important building block for sustainable smart factories of tomorrow. With flexible product fixtures, the customer was able to move quickly into development and save costs. This avoided any additional delays due to waiting for unnecessary equipment through an unreliable supply chain.
Results & Benefits

- Climate cabinet with one attachment for 8 to 16 round cells, and expandable to three additional attachments.
- 8 to 16 individually controlled bi-directional DC power sources.
- Auto-switch for higher currents (up to 240 A).
- Measures temperature, voltage and current.
- Test station control with PLC and safety control.
- Comprehensive software application with HMI.
By using an established industry platform, our customer was able to efficiently integrate Batterie Inspektor™ into their production line.