The client → Opnext
What was tested → 40G Optical Subsystems
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The Challenge
Being first on the market with a high-speed optical product can make all the difference. When there’s so much competition, mere weeks or months can be the difference between a successful product launch and multiple orders, or a failed investment.
To reduce risk and gain competitive advantage throughout the new product introduction (NPI) phase, Opnext tapped Averna’s optical and test expertise to ensure the smooth development and deployment of multiple state-of-the-art test stations and centralized test-data management.

Types of NPI Functional Test Stations Delivered by Averna
Chances that Opnext Became a Repeat Customer
Major Phases of the Product Lifecycle Covered
Client Requirements Achieved

The Solution
Averna designed and built three OTM-440 test stations and implemented its off-the-shelf Proligent test-data management software to network the stations and allow remote visibility and control at a contract manufacturer (CM) site.
Averna also delivered multiple Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Performance, and Calibration & Functional stations. Each contains the latest test and measurement instruments, custom fixtures, and optimized test sequencing.
Averna architected the stations to cover the full spectrum of early NPI tests as well as handle volume manufacturing and RMA tests, plus final QA verification.
By engaging Averna and its test engineering expertise, Opnext was able to de-risk the project, keeping its own engineers focused on their core competencies.
The installed test stations are geared for Opnext’s high-volume manufacturing environment and include multiple capabilities.
Results & Benefits
- Centralized test-data management provides important control and visibility
- Combination of turnkey and per-diem services suited client budget
- NPI stations easily convert to manufacturing stations
- Test platform architected to handle current and future products
Averna helped Opnext accelerate their product testing while future-proofing their investment with an innovative solution that can easily handle new 100GB/s DWDM modules.